How tyres are made


These are made of woven sheets of steel wires that are coated in rubber. Sometimes Kevlar cord is also added for extra strength, puncture resistance, and durability. The plies are the layers of fabric that make up your tyre’s skeleton, and are typically made of fibre cord that are woven together and coated with rubber.

he process of making tires is actually quite fascinating. Tires are made of woven sheets of steel wires that are coated in rubber. Sometimes Kevlar cord is also added for extra strength, puncture resistance, and durability.

The first step is to make the inner tube. This is done by laying down a sheet of rubber that has been heated to make it more pliable. Then the wire mesh is laid over it, with one end attached to a machine that winds the mesh into a roll. The roll is then cut into smaller pieces and placed on another machine that presses them flat and attaches them together in layers. Next, these flat pieces are rolled up onto large spools (which look like large rolls of paper towel) so that they can be cut into specific lengths for use during assembly later  on down the line!
